The greatest strength of any lady is your ability of cultivating a healthy plans for your self and sticking to it. Let your plans reflect your knowledge about the word of God. Let your plans reflect your passion. Let your plan reflect your direction in life. Let your plan reflect God's interest. As you study the Word of God, it is designed to inspire you and chart your course in life. Its meant to give you a direction and instruction of what to do and what you must not do. Don't just have a plan....stay committed to the plan till it manifest. You need a physical plan, spiritual plan, social plan, intellectual plan and financial plan. Plans are meant to set aside time for discovering, time for learning, time for preparing and time for manifestation. You are Gods daughter and its time to set a plan, stay committed to it and manifest it. Above all, remember your plans must be birthed from the point of your knowledge about God's Word. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.