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The main purpose why God created woman was to be a SUITABLE a work and responsibility. This is the original blueprint for the female gender or womanhood. Some ladies are carried away with being a SUITABLE to their future husband......while some think being a SUITABLE HELPER to any man is slavery... They feel...gender equality. Here is some thing some ladies don't know. YOU CAN ONLY BE USEFUL TO OTHER PEOPLE...ACCORDING TO THE QUALITY OF YOUR OWN USEFULNESS TO YOUR OWN SELF. You are first the suitable HELPER to your own life...dreams, talent, attitude, mentality, intellect...etc...before you even think of becoming a SUITABLE HELPER to your family, friends and of course, your life partner. The respect you are so in a hurry to give your life partner...give it to your self first. The time, attention, commitment, listening ears, sacrifices, diligence, love, and are so much in a hurry to give to other people and life partner...learn to feed your self with ...

Rest In His Grace

I just discovered of recent that the obstacle of youths is Grace. Looking around me I can see how youths and even teenagers are so hungry for attention, affection, respect and approval at all cost. That's not the problem. We are wired to seek  for these things but some people don't stay with the Grace God has given them. No body can value you above the value the Grace God has given you will offer to you. Some times, people put laws into their own hands. They put up attitudes, create events and situation to set up  and create value and respect for their selves. But unknowingly to them, their pursuit to create respect and value for their own self is what is tearing the value and respect God's Grace is preserving for them. Don't make any body like you. Don't prove to any body you are valuable and unique. Don't use your own fears and doubt to judge people. The greatest challenge of people is that, they don't feel respected because they are not co...

Ministry & Marriage

I want you to know the female gender is unique and blessed because of the diversity within your nature.  Ministry and Marriage is the glory of any lady.  Your creativity is a ministry. Your character is a ministry. Your mindset or thinking pattern is a ministry. Your intellectual is a ministry. Your anger management is a ministry. The way you treat and talk to people is a ministry. The way you make decision is a ministry. The way you forgive is a ministry. The way you show compassion to people is a ministry. Every activity in you and around you is a ministry.  You possess much wisdom and uniqueness because of your kind of assignment as a female gender.  The success in your ministry is the prove you are ready for marriage.  Don't just come ready for marriage with your beauty and body alone. COME WITH YOUR CAPACITY. Be prepared, keep preparing and come prepared!  accepting a proposal from a man is a ministry. Relationship is a ministr...