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Showing posts with the label Relationship


The main purpose why God created woman was to be a SUITABLE a work and responsibility. This is the original blueprint for the female gender or womanhood. Some ladies are carried away with being a SUITABLE to their future husband......while some think being a SUITABLE HELPER to any man is slavery... They feel...gender equality. Here is some thing some ladies don't know. YOU CAN ONLY BE USEFUL TO OTHER PEOPLE...ACCORDING TO THE QUALITY OF YOUR OWN USEFULNESS TO YOUR OWN SELF. You are first the suitable HELPER to your own life...dreams, talent, attitude, mentality, intellect...etc...before you even think of becoming a SUITABLE HELPER to your family, friends and of course, your life partner. The respect you are so in a hurry to give your life partner...give it to your self first. The time, attention, commitment, listening ears, sacrifices, diligence, love, and are so much in a hurry to give to other people and life partner...learn to feed your self with ...

Knowledge & Humility

I want you to understand that both knowledge and ignorance can frustrate you in this journey of life.  I have observed and notice that what is currently delay people in your gender from entering a healthy relationship is KNOWLEDGE. Some people are limited by ignorance but another wickedness I have seen under the sun is that knowledge is limiting people.  The knowledge you have about relationship and life is to help you and also help other people. On no account must your knowledge become a stumbling block to those around you.  Stop using your knowledge as a weapon to fight people. The fact  that others don't know what you know does not mean they are inferior to you. Don't allow the knowledge God gave you the privilege to know to create pride in your heart.   Shut up for once. Listen to people even if you think you are smarter than them. I also want you to know that all you know now is just a scratch to what is expected of the whole body of Chris...

Ministry & Marriage

I want you to know the female gender is unique and blessed because of the diversity within your nature.  Ministry and Marriage is the glory of any lady.  Your creativity is a ministry. Your character is a ministry. Your mindset or thinking pattern is a ministry. Your intellectual is a ministry. Your anger management is a ministry. The way you treat and talk to people is a ministry. The way you make decision is a ministry. The way you forgive is a ministry. The way you show compassion to people is a ministry. Every activity in you and around you is a ministry.  You possess much wisdom and uniqueness because of your kind of assignment as a female gender.  The success in your ministry is the prove you are ready for marriage.  Don't just come ready for marriage with your beauty and body alone. COME WITH YOUR CAPACITY. Be prepared, keep preparing and come prepared!  accepting a proposal from a man is a ministry. Relationship is a ministr...

You Are A Suitable Helper

Beloved!  I have being saying and the scriptures agrees with me that every ladies is a suitable helper - to her generation and to her future spouses (for singles) In this same truth I have discovered that the devil is take advantage of this truth to misled God's daughter. Becoming a suitable help or developing the capacity of a suitable help is not you abandoning your life and what God has called you to do. No! What this really implies is you embracing it more!  Becoming a suitable helper is not a call to deny your self and live your life for a man or for your generation. Becoming a suitable helper is you accepting your self, and giving your self the suitable help you need to become all God has created you to become. You can never become a suitable helper to any one if you have not yet learnt the art of you offering your self the suitable help you need to offer your life.  You will never be able to support and bear the weight of any man's visio...

Your Dream Relationship

I am not here to teach you. I am here just to suggest an idea to you. You are free to discard it or embrace it!  I don't know it all. I don't have it all. I have not seen it all. I am not better than you. You have your uniqueness and I have mine. So on the ground of co-human, I present my suggestion I will focus on a subject tagged: *Your dream relationship* First thing first - your dream relationship.  I will start by this: RELATIONSHIP was created for you and apart from relationship, you worth a value.  Your dream relationship will never become real if you lack the accurate knowledge and understanding of your *identity* Who are you? This is the first question, you should be able to define and identify. My sister, I am an advocate for ladies and I believe that ladies were not just created for relationship and marriage and child bearing alone. As a matter of truth, this ought to be the last thing on the list when...

Ladies! Don't Flunt It

What you wear has a direct impact on how people see you. Whether or not you like this conclusion, it’s science based. You can argue with the facts, but they’re still the facts.  Which leads me to my next question, what, then, is the purpose of wearing a bikini? That’s what I want my unborn daughter to consider one day when this question comes up (and in this culture, I’m sure it will). Is it because it looks stylish? There are lots of stylish suits with more cover. Is it to get her stomach nice and tan? Who’s going to be seeing that stomach? Is it to get attention from the opposite sex? That kind of attention has nothing to do with true affection. Is it because “I CAN”? Why not choose to assert your rights in ways that actually benefit you and society? Is it because “I have a nice body”? Yes, you do! And you should protect that awesome body from people who don’t value it. It’s important to challenge culture and the perspective we have regarding mod...


Every woman I know was excited about their wedding day. They couldn't wait to walk down the isle in their long beautiful unique gown to say I do to the man they love and adore. They couldn't wait to hear the words I do from the man they love so much. They were excited about the vows they were about to exchange to one another. The tears dropped, the smiles were bright this was a dream come true. That's how God is feeling about you right now. He can't wait for you to say I do. What are you waiting for? Tomorrow isn't promised. We hear every day someone we know has passed away. He's waiting with his hands reached out to you. He said you don't need a fancy dress, no curls or pearls come as you are he's waiting to hear you say, I do.  Just in case you don’t know what to say let me help you.  I____________ take you Lord to be my first love. To be the head of my house and the love of my life. I promise to obey, pray, and serve you through out the rest o...


Proverbs.16:28 A perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends. Proverbs 18:7–8 (NIV) A fool’s mouth is his undoing, and his lips are a snare to his soul. The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to a man’s inmost parts. Women of God, do you remember this saying? Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. By now you have come to grips that words are powerful. The Bible says Proverbs 18:21 (NLT) The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences. Ladies, God desires that our speech be used to edify and encourage others, not tear them down. It has to stop!!! God is not pleased with all this foolishness. Stop being the dumpster, letting people drop trash inside of you. Stop listening to it, cut the person off before they get started. If you are the gossiper, stop it, one day you may look around and be the very one someone is putting their mouth on. Want feel so good then. ...

Escape Low Self Esteem

Self esteem: it’s something you need to have a lot of before you succeed and it’s something that no one can give you. The first step towards high self-esteem is knowing where your current level of self esteem is. Most people don’t know and it can’t be measured just by looking at a person. So how do you gauge where you are at? For the most part, if you truly believe you can do anything you want and you don’t let criticism or other people’s opinions bother you, I would say you have a high level of self esteem. If you still get shaken when other people criticize you, click here to learn how you can stay calm in the face of criticism. I never thought of myself as having low self esteem but from my research and experience, I’ve come to recognize that there are times when I show warning signs of low self esteem. Before I tell you what you can do when you see these warning signs, let me share with you the 7 warning signs of low self esteem: Can’t Handle Praise People...

C.E.O Principle.

The double-edged sword of the modern day workplace continues: 69 percent of senior women say they are confident they’ll reach the C-suite in their careers (yay!), but that’s only compared to 86 percent of their male colleagues (ugh), according to a recent McKinsey and Co. survey. Women in positions of power is commonplace, but if you dig into the stats, you’ll find that ladies hold only 5 percent of chief executive positions in the world today. The good news: More senior-level women are lending their words of wisdom to other female managers rising the ranks. Looking for some guidance in upper management? Consider the advice of women who have forged their own paths, sit at the top of massive corporations, or simply know what it takes to score that corner office. DELEGATE EFFECTIVELY THINKSTOCK “An important task as a manager is to delegate responsibility effectively. One of our studies found that 60 percent of employees who feel they have an impact on the direction o...


When you notice this act, bring it up and talk about it. Deal with the issue and make him to understand how it hurts you. If he can't trust you, don't convince him or prove any thing to him. If he cannot respect your feelings and emotions, don't beg for it - LET HIM GO. Define it, take your stand and let him go IF NECESSARY. Respect him but make him to understand that you won't accept the abuse of him testing and toiling with your feelings. This is what you must consider before proposal shows up. Don't be carried away by your emotions. Don't let his looks or any thing entice you. It's not in your power to choose who to say yes or no or wait - your divine assignment, purpose, & calling ought to dicated for you. This is what you must consider before proposal shows up. You are a helpmate, your vision and calling is meant to compliment his own vision. His vision is meant to be the platform for the expression of your own vision in Christ. Your...

The Proposal - Part 7

WHEN HE PROPOSE... The first thing you must understand is that every man has the right to express His intention towards you. Don't you ever make a man feel it's a sign of weakness for him to express his feelings or intention to you. This is what you must consider before proposal shows up. I want you to embrace this truth: Never you despise, insult or take any man for granted because he proposed to you. Even when you are not interested in him, learn to respect him. Some men are not afraid of a lady saying no to their proposal, they just hate how rude, insensitive and abusive the lady throw at them because they proposed. This is what you must consider before proposal shows up. As a lady, you are free to say 'NO' or 'YES' to any man's proposal but how you say YES or NO is what really count. What experience do you leave with the men that have proposed to you? If you respect your self, you will respect the men that have proposed to you. If you a...

The Proposal - Part 6

WHEN HE IS NOT PROPOSING... As a lady, one of the quality of a Godly lady is being friendly. Don't let your insecurity drive you into the place of isolation. This is a necessity you must embrace. Be friendly and know where your limts starts. When He is your friend or when any male friends of yours are in the friend zone - it's perfect. You are meant to keep your male friends at friend zone. Don't give people the wrong impression by allowing a male friend do things around you like you are dating him. When any man comes around you, please do ask him to define the friendship. This is what you must consider before proposal shows up. Some ladies live in assumption, thinking the man is taking his time but this is wrong. keep every male friend where they belong and keep every man at friend zone. How can a man that you have not yet accepted for a serious relationship, call you sweetheart? How can a man that you have not yet accepted for a serious relationship, b...

The Proposal - Part 5

SECURITY Accepting a man for a serious relationship will demand you to be emotionally secure. Are you comfortable with your self? Do you get intimidated by a man’s success? Can you be humble to learn from a man? Are you secure? This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. Is your confidence, plans, project and vision strong enough to conquer his fears, worries and doubts? Can you attitude command respect from him or it makes him to doubt his security? Can he be confident to say, I will be fulfilled in life if our children inherit your attitude? How secure is he around you and around the friends you keep? Can he trust you with his money? Can he trust you with his past? Can he be free to be his self without the fear of being judged, condemn or rejected? This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. How secure can he be around you? Can you support him, encourage him, and stand up for him in the midst of your friends, his friends and your family? This is God’s pattern for h...

The Proposal - Part 4

FREEDOM AND FLEXIBILITY Are you the kind of Lady that respects a man’s decision? This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. Relationship is a platform of freedom and flexibility. It’s not a place for Manipulation and being domineering over a man. This is not a place for you alone; it’s a platform for you and any man you have accepted. This should be a platform where the man’s opinion and decision count. It’s a teamwork – not a lord and servant affair. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. As a Lady, you should be able to give any man the freedom to say, do, and achieve things that surround his own interest, talent and creativity. It’s not all about him becoming what you want. It’s all about him becoming his real self – the person God created him to become. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. You must be a Lady that gives a man the freedom to express and use their talents and creativity. You must be the kind of Lady that is not intimidated by the su...

The Proposal - Part 3

Every friendship must be NEED define. What are you looking for in life? What do you have? What is he looking for in life? What does he have (creativity, vision, ideas)?  You must be able to feed his need and he must be able to feed your need. Your need must be defined through the scriptures, your talent and creativity. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. Friendship is all about feeding each others NEED. You must understand that NEED are either carnal or Godly. You have no business feeding his carnal NEED or him feeding your carnal NEED. Carnal NEEDS are the work of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, and lust of the flesh. God is not expecting you to feed his carnal NEED or him feeding your carnal NEED.  Godly NEEDS are the self development in the area of your talent, creativity, and the fruit of the spirit. God is expecting you to feed him NEEDS in these areas and he is meant to feed your NEEDS in these areas. This is God’s pattern for handli...

The Proposal - Part 2

Relationship is not a path of you shifting your responsibility on a man. It is not a platform of a man living his life for you. Relationship is not a path that should make you a liability to a man. It’s a life that should make you embrace your responsibility for your self. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. If you are lazy, stop looking for an industrious man to date in order for him to be responsibility for your laziness. A man is not meant to be responsible for your laziness. Be responsible for your self. Deal with your own laziness and be industrious before you accept dating a man. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. As a Lady, if you can’t manage your anger, stop frustrating a man that is patient as an excuse for your irresponsibility. Deal with your own anger. No man ought to be responsible for your inability to deal with your own anger. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal. If you don’t know how to spend money wisely, stop waiting f...