I have being saying and the scriptures agrees with me that every ladies is a suitable helper - to her generation and to her future spouses (for singles)
In this same truth I have discovered that the devil is take advantage of this truth to misled God's daughter.
Becoming a suitable help or developing the capacity of a suitable help is not you abandoning your life and what God has called you to do. No! What this really implies is you embracing it more!
Becoming a suitable helper is not a call to deny your self and live your life for a man or for your generation. Becoming a suitable helper is you accepting your self, and giving your self the suitable help you need to become all God has created you to become.
You can never become a suitable helper to any one if you have not yet learnt the art of you offering your self the suitable help you need to offer your life.
You will never be able to support and bear the weight of any man's vision until you learn to support your self and bear the weight of the vision God has given to you.
God wants you to be the first partaker of any suitable help you were designed to render to people and that your future husband (singles).
Before you begin to respect other people - learn the art of respecting your self. Before you begin to sacrifice for other people - learn to sacrifice for your self.
In your seriousness in offering your self, your talent, your capacity, your calling, your creativity, your attitude and intelligence THE SUITABLE HELP IN YOUR SELF is the possibility of you offering any other person the suitable help God has kept in your life for them.
Don't listen to the lies of the devil. Don't bury your talent, calling, Nd all God has created you to do on the account of becoming a suitable helper.
You are the suitable helper (first to your self) and then to people and your future husband.
The measure of devotion you give your self will be the same measure you will offer people. Place the value God has placed on you - on your self.
You are a suitable help. You are not designed to be "used" - you were designed to be "useful"
Don't sacrifice your destiny on the altar of relationship and on the alter of becoming a suitable. Balance the truth and wisdom you have.
Love God, love your self and love people. Don't break or jump the process.
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