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Showing posts with the label Hope

Talk To Jesus

Don't just learn how to pray effectively alone....learn the art of having a conversation or discussion with the Lord. Be free to ask God questions concerning your fears, worries and doubts. Expect the Lord to speak back to you. Why live in confusion when your Daddy is the creator of the whole world? You are your father's daughter. Walk and think in this consciousness. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.

Be Useful

The strength and beauty of a lady is her ability to be useful to people in a Godly way. No body will give you their attention, time, love and attention if you are not useful to them. Use your attitude, your choice of words and your talent to be a blessing to some one. God has not only design destiny helpers for you...BUT HE HAS MADE YOU A DESTINY HELPER TO SOME ONE TOO... Stop waiting and start being a blessing to some one today. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you #Baba_Love #Hope_Expression_Family

You Are On Assignment

Irrespective of the pressure to make it and become successful.... Don't forget that you are a lady born with a specific assignment. Don't allow the pressure of life and expectations of family, society and friends to make you loose the sight of your divine assignment. You are not just a are a deliberate being God fashion deliberately. You are not a mistake. You are not inferior and irrespective of your past can still become all God has designed for your life. Walk tall, with your head up and eyes you daily walk in the consciousness that you are not just here on earth to make money, marry, and give birth alone. There is an eternal assignment attached to your birth. Your gender is an opportunity. Use it well. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Baba_Love #Prince_Victor_Matthew


The main purpose why God created woman was to be a SUITABLE a work and responsibility. This is the original blueprint for the female gender or womanhood. Some ladies are carried away with being a SUITABLE to their future husband......while some think being a SUITABLE HELPER to any man is slavery... They feel...gender equality. Here is some thing some ladies don't know. YOU CAN ONLY BE USEFUL TO OTHER PEOPLE...ACCORDING TO THE QUALITY OF YOUR OWN USEFULNESS TO YOUR OWN SELF. You are first the suitable HELPER to your own life...dreams, talent, attitude, mentality, intellect...etc...before you even think of becoming a SUITABLE HELPER to your family, friends and of course, your life partner. The respect you are so in a hurry to give your life partner...give it to your self first. The time, attention, commitment, listening ears, sacrifices, diligence, love, and are so much in a hurry to give to other people and life partner...learn to feed your self with