Relationship is not a path of you shifting your responsibility on a man. It is not a platform of a man living his life for you. Relationship is not a path that should make you a liability to a man. It’s a life that should make you embrace your responsibility for your self. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
If you are lazy, stop looking for an industrious man to date in order for him to be responsibility for your laziness. A man is not meant to be responsible for your laziness. Be responsible for your self. Deal with your own laziness and be industrious before you accept dating a man. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
As a Lady, if you can’t manage your anger, stop frustrating a man that is patient as an excuse for your irresponsibility. Deal with your own anger. No man ought to be responsible for your inability to deal with your own anger. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
If you don’t know how to spend money wisely, stop waiting for a man that is wealthy. Stop looking for a man to frustrate. Deal with your own weakness and lack of wise spending. Whatsoever your weakness might is, deal with them first before you thinks of importing an unhealthy personality into that man’s life. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
Before you think of accepting that man for a serious relationship, ARE YOU HEALTHY? CAN YOU DATE YOURSELF AND BE FULFILLED? This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
Are you emotionally healthy? Are you healthy in the area of your attitude? Are you mentally healthy? What is the quality of the personality you are expecting him to accept? What are you importing into his life; Poison or Life – Frustration or Help? This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
Before you accept him for a serious relationship, SIT, THINK AND CONSIDER God’s will for your life. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal..
These are not all you should consider, there are more but this is why my knowledge stops. Consider the following wisely.
This is the first thing that should be considered. You must come to a place of expecting this man to be your friend.
For any man to be your friend, you should be able to understand the common ground you have with him. What is your priority? What are your values? Do your priorities accept his priority? Do your values accept your values? This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
In other to accept any healthy relationship with any man, the first thing to build is FRIENDSHIP. You need to come to a place where you can be yourself around him without him or you feeling embarrassed. He must be able to joke with you, study the bible together, pray together and respect your individual difference. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
Balance is needed. The friendship must come to a place of you and him - becoming interested in keeping the friendship at all cost (risk). Friendship is not a one man’s deal. Friendship is about two people who are willingly accepting each other for the aim of achieving a common Godly goal. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
To be continued...
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