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The Proposal - Part 4


Are you the kind of Lady that respects a man’s decision? This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
Relationship is a platform of freedom and flexibility. It’s not a place for Manipulation and being domineering over a man. This is not a place for you alone; it’s a platform for you and any man you have accepted. This should be a platform where the man’s opinion and decision count. It’s a teamwork – not a lord and servant affair. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

As a Lady, you should be able to give any man the freedom to say, do, and achieve things that surround his own interest, talent and creativity. It’s not all about him becoming what you want. It’s all about him becoming his real self – the person God created him to become. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

You must be a Lady that gives a man the freedom to express and use their talents and creativity. You must be the kind of Lady that is not intimidated by the success of a man. You must be the kind of Lady that support and encourage a man to pursue his vision and calling in God. You must be a Lady that gives a man the freedom to advice you, correct you and confront you without you getting angry. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

You must be a Lady that is ready to be responsible and accountable to God, your mentor and your love-mate. You must be the kind of Lady that admits mistakes when you are wrong apologize when necessary and reconcile when misunderstanding strike. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
Be that kind of Lady whose man is free to joke, play, laugh, cry, pray, study bible, make mistakes…etc and still know you will not judge or condemn him. Be that kind of Lady whose strength compliments the weakness of his man. Be that kind of Lady who is willing to ask for help when necessary. Give him the freedom and be flexible to his ideas and opinion. You both are two different people from two different background and upbringing - BE FLEXIBLE! This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.


The greatest thing any man would want is the ability of him trusting you. As a Lady, don’t gossip about any man. Stop discussing an issue a man shared with you out of trust. Be a Lady that protects the privacy of a man. Be it his past, weaknesses, mistakes, fears, worry and doubt – protect – PROTECT HIM. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

As a Lady, learn to know it’s a shame on your side when you start exposing a man weakness, pains, past, fear…etc to your friends or family member. Don’t even try to make jokes in public about his privacy. You are not bond to answer all the questions your friends and family member would want to know about his privacy. You must draw a boundary. They are times you will tell your friends to just shut up. There are some issues you will need to tell your friends or people to mind their business. There are time to speak too when you discover He needs a serious help about his privacy. Make sure you speak to your mentor, pastor or parent. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead on what to do. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
When you are in private or public, learn to know when to shut up and when to speak. Learn to know the questions to avoid answering and the questions to answer. Be a Lady that protects a man’s privacy. In anger, don’t do any thing or expose his privacy just to back at him. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

Here is wisdom, if you protect him, you protect your self. If you protect his privacy, you are also protecting your own dignity. In every healthy relationship, what affects one person will directly or indirectly affect the other partner. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

To be continued...


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