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The Proposal - Part 1

Amos 3:3 Can two walk together except they agree.

You are welcome to LADIES OF GODLY VALUE. In this month of September, we shall be looking into a topic the Holy Spirit has instructed me to teach through His Grace. Last month (August), we looked into the issue of ‘LADIES! WHAT IS THIS YOU HAVE DONE.’ and the Lord was able to deal with certain issues we’ve over looked.

Praise God!

Let’s go into the business of the day. May the Holy Spirit help you to learn and understand His intention on this subject in Jesus Name.

You are welcome to this seminar and on this platform. The Holy Spirit wants to teach us the truth of Him Word. I am writing this by His Grace; I don’t know it all or have it all or seen it all. In Christ Jesus my knowledge in complete.


PROPOSAL is a SUGGESTION, APPLICATION, PLAN or OFFER for a relationship to a man, presents to a lady with the option of her accepting or decline. These usually come with the freedom of choice and decision. These always flow with the path of passion and interest. There is no need or room for manipulation and domineering attitude. This is not a must but a place of choice and willingness. It’s some thing that works base on the free will of the man and the Lady involved.
PROPOSAL is so special and it’s not some thing you should force any one. The first thing I want to address here is the PROPOSAL of “will you date me?”

The question above is a question some men are quick to ask and some ladies are quick to hear but there is more to it. Like the scripture stated, two people will never walk together except they agree willingly.

PROPOSAL involves two people who need to sit, think and consider the possibility of shouldering the responsibility that comes along with the decision to walk together. It’s not a thing to celebrate but a matter that will demand your time and decision making. It’s the consciousness and consideration of the responsibility that comes with the decision making. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.
Just like some Ladies do, don’t start a serious relationship with a stranger. You can’t engage in a serious relationship with a man that’s a stranger. He must first be your friend. You can’t have a serious relationship with a man you don’t know or understand. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

Relationship or dating some one is more than the ride, care and facial look of the man. It’s the matter of divine purpose and destiny. The relationship you keep can break you or build you. It can keep you in focus or distract you. Your decision and the motive behind your decision count. This is God’s pattern for handling proposal.

To be continued....


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