WHY DID GOD CREATE FEMALE? According to the scriptures, the major reason ladies were created in the garden of Eden was for WORK. The Female were created as SUITABLE HELPERS for a work that was specific in nature. The work the female was created as SUITABLE HELPER is the work of DRESSING AND KEEPING....meaning..IMPROVING AND PROTECTING. The female is suppose to improve the healthy state of humanity and her environment... Physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally, financially, intellectually and in the area of talent. THE FEMALE WERE CREATED TO MAKE LIFE EASIER FOR HUMANITY. They were created to compliment the effort of man...and not to compete with man. Irrespective of the abuse the female have suffered...they must stay true to their original design. Despite of the abuse around....don't forget the reason why you were created as a female.... Use your pain.. Regrets... Suffering...joy...strength and all you've got to make life easier for humanity. You are suitable helper.....