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Created For WORSHIP

Worship is not just a song but a lifestyle. Worship is not about the sound or music. Worship is an attitude. Worship to God is in every thing we do, see, think, desire and expect.

Worship to God is the way you treat people (even when you are angry). Worship to God is in what you do when you are excited. Worship to God is in how you listen to people in conversation. Worship to God is how you depend on God for making every single decision of your life. Worship to God is in your polite words to people.

Worship to God is in how you manage your sexual urge. Worship to God is in the choice of the kind of website you vision online. Worship to God in the way you forgive, love, and have compassion on people. Worship to God is in the way you discipline, rebuke and correct people (as God's children).

Worship to God is in how you breakup with some one you are dating with the consciousness that this person you are breaking up with is still precious to God. Worship to God is the kind of events you attend and the kind of jokes you say. Worship to God is in how you ignore people that wants to gossip other people to you. Worship to God is in every thing you day daily. It's in how your smile with people. It's in the thought of your heart. It's in the tone of your voice. It's in the motive in your mind. Worship to God is YOU. YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD FOR HOW YOU TREAT YOURSELF AND HOW YOU TREAT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU. YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD FOR HOW YOU THINK AND TALK ABOUT YOUR SELF. YOU ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD FOR HOW YOU TALK AND THINK ABOUT THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU.

Worship to God is you saying no to sex before marriage. It's in you saying no to abortion. It's in you saying no to pornography. It's in you saying no to manipulation. It's in you saying no to domineering people. Worship is our daily lifestyle.

Worship to God is in the way you treat house maid, house boy, gate man, okada man and the man or woman selling food at the road side. Worship to God is every little and tiny attitude, thoughts, decisions, desire, motive and words we cultivate. Worship to God is in what you do, why you do them, and how you do them. God is interested in every detail of your life. YOU WERE MADE TO WORSHIP GOD!

Jesus loves you so much! 

Yours Sincerely, 

Prince Victor Matthew. 


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