Beloved of God!
I have always be writing that it's necessary for you to be friendly but I also want to set a balance to it.
Being a Godly lady comes with a lot of expectations and people observing you to see if you will live according to what you believe .
*Be friendly but don't be cheap!*
My sisters, my heart bleeds when I see lady become so cheap in her pursuit of being friendly.
It's okay for you to be friendly, pick your calls or call back when you see miss calls. It's okay to reply whatsup message etc. But please, stop picking the calls of people who are not saying any thing meaningful. Stop picking the calls of people who have no value to add to your calling, creativity or spiritual growth.
Be friendly but avoid people that kill your time and people with empty and useless conversations. Avoid people with empty jokes, and gossip.
I have always taught you not to play hard to get when a man is interested in you, but I want to set a balance. Be friendly, be accessible but don't be committed to a man that is not yet committed to you. Stop calling a man that finds it hard to call or text you. Stop giving to a man that is not giving you any thing. Money is not every thing. Even if he does not have money to give to you, does he advice in a Godly way? is he giving you his time, his attention and how committed is he to see you grow and improve in your calling, creativity or walk with God? I don't care how many times he sends you romantic text, has he ever sent you scriptures to study?
When was the last time he told you God asked him to do some thing and he did? Apart from the vision of getting married to you; has he ever told you any vision he has seen about himself, his calling and vision in Christ?
*Be friendly but don't be cheap!*
You are not his mother and stop feeling like without you he won't succeed in life. If a man is not ready to be responsible for his own life, why on earth will are expecting him to be responsible in the way he treats and talk to you?
Don't sacrifice your wellbeing on the altar of loving a man. Don't sacrifice your walk with the Lord on the altar of dating.
You are not a super lady! Support men that are responsible and flee from men that are Irresponsible . if you feel concern for any irresponsible man, pray for them in your closet but stay afar.
Before your invest your time and energy into this man's life - allow him to even show a sign of seriousness first. Allow him to invest into your life first. Allow him to love you first. Allow him to trust you first. Allow him to be committed to you first. Allow him to respect you first. Allow him to listen and talk to you first.
Don't take the led please. The way you love and treat a man should be the harvest of the same way he has treated you or talk to you.
Whatever any man demand from you, demand it from them first. If he needs truthfulness, ask him to be truthful to you.
My heart bleeds and this is not the will of God for you.
*Be friendly but don't be cheap!*
Inferiority complex is when you love a man that is not committed to you.
Are you inferior?
Prove yourself!
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