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My Sister, You Need A Direction

I want you to understand that as Gods daughter, the first thing you need in a time as this is DIRECTION.

You can't just live your life without a specific direction. You cant be every where, a friend to every body, and doing every thing that comes your life.

God didn't create you by chance so you don't have the right to live your life by chance.

God deliberately created you for his own glory...You must be deliberate about your direction in life.

Do you have a clue of the direction your life is heading as a lady? Progress is not enough; are you progressing in the direction God as ordain for your life?

Success is not a prove you are in the right be successful moving in the wrong direction.

Its time to involve God in every of your decision....the strength of your direction in life is in your decision. If your decision is wrong, your direction in life will be wrong.

It's time to pause, think and ask the Holy Spirit, AM I IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION?

Its not too late to turn to the right direction if you are missing it.

Allow the word of God to influence every of your decision.....for they will dictate your direction in life.

My sister, YOU NEED DIRECTION via Gods word.

Be encouraged.



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