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There are certain attitude, mind-set and manner of approach you must cultivate before God chooses to expose you to your greatness. You can’t help yourself, you can’t change your self but you can decide to be available for the Holy Spirit. Your availability will determine how fast God will  MAKE  you. Be available for the studying of God’s word. Be available for the Holy Spirit to transform your priority into God’s Nature. Be available for the Holy Spirit to transform your mindset. Learn to be available. It’s a personal decision you must choose. Eve was  MADE . When you are  MADE , you will be  MADE  into some thing. When your availability gives the Holy Spirit room to operate in your life, you will have the chance to be  MADE . Your availability to the Holy Spirit will make the Holy Spirit to  MAKE  you. The Holy Spirit is interested in  MAKING  you into  CAPACITY . You will be  MADE  into a ...


DEEP SLEEP  is when you are influencing a man to embrace his personal relationship with God. This is you helping any man to understand the scripture. This is you consciously refusing to taken advantage on a man even when you have the chance. DEEP SLEEP  is you consciously avoiding the chance of manipulation a man. This is you learning to talk to any man just the way God wants you to talk to them. This is you listening to any man just the way God wants you to listen to them. This is you treating any man just like Jesus will treat them. DEEP SLEEP  is when you avoid  LORDING  your self over any man.  IT’S YOU KNOWING LOVE IS NOT  all about changing any man into who you want them to be.  IT’S YOU KNOWING THAT ONLY GOD CAN CHANGE ANY MAN TO HIS PLAN.   IT’S A PLACE YOU CHOOSE TO TRUST INSTEAD OF TESTING AND TOILING WITH THE EMOTIONS OF ANY MAN . DEEP SLEEP  is you giving any man  FREEDOM . It’s you giving any man the fr...


Then the Lord God caused the man into a DEEP SLEEP, and took one of the man’s rib and closed up the place from which he had removed it, and made the rib into a woman, and brought her to the man. This is it! Adam exclaimed. “She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.” Genesis 2:21 – 22 You are welcome to this online seminar –  DEEP SLEEP (Set your love free).  I welcome you to  LADIES OF GODLY VALUE ONLINE SEMINAR  in the name of Jesus. What is  DEEP SLEEP ? DEEP SLEEP  is the lifestyle and an attitude the Holy Spirit develops in every lady through the word of God. This is the total dependency on the Holy Spirit. This is you trusting the Lord with all submission. This is you acknowledging that God is in charge of every details of your life. This is you submitting to the Lordship of Jesus in every area of your life. DEEP SLEEP  is an attitude of humility and loyalty to God and ...

Ladies! What is this you have done? - Part 1

You are welcome to this seminar and our case study is Genesis 3:13 Every woman is a suitable helper to some thing or some one. According to our case study, Eve malfunctioned. Eve was created as a suitable helper to Adam for a specific reason. She was a suitable helper to Adam in line of the assignment or vision God gave to Adam (Dress & keep the Garden). Instead of this Eve helped Adam to disobey God. This is the situation with some ladies. Knowingly or unknowingly; some of you are suitable helper to men in the area of disobeying God. God gave you influence over men but it must be towards the man obeying God. The sad aspect of it is this; some ladies have accepted this misbehaviour as a norm. Because your mum or a lady or some body model this negative attitude to you does not mean you are right. Ladies, you must come to understand your design and capacity. You might look simple but you are full of influence and capacity that can make any man to either obey God ...