What can a single person do to make themselves “available” without looking desperate? You’re approaching your mid-twenties, mid-thirties, and maybe even mid-forties as a single young adult. It seems like everyone around you is getting ushered into the world of love and marriage, while you find yourself wondering if you will ever find the one. You’re torn between trusting God to bring you the right one- and working it in the world of love and dating. So, how exactly does a single young adult make themselves available without seeming too desperate? The only way to avoid looking desperate is to stop believing that you are, because a person will appear as desperate as they feel. The more fixated you are on finding love and obsessed about entering marriage, the more desperate you will appear, because eventually, the things that you think about most start seeping into every part of your life for the whole world to see. Here are some ways to stop fixating...