Then the Lord God caused the man into a DEEP SLEEP, and took one of the man’s rib and closed up the place from which he had removed it, and made the rib into a woman, and brought her to the man. This is it! Adam exclaimed. “She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is ‘woman’ because she was taken out of a man.” Genesis 2:21 – 22 You are welcome to this online seminar – DEEP SLEEP (Set your love free). I welcome you to LADIES OF GODLY VALUE ONLINE SEMINAR in the name of Jesus. What is DEEP SLEEP ? DEEP SLEEP is the lifestyle and an attitude the Holy Spirit develops in every lady through the word of God. This is the total dependency on the Holy Spirit. This is you trusting the Lord with all submission. This is you acknowledging that God is in charge of every details of your life. This is you submitting to the Lordship of Jesus in every area of your life. DEEP SLEEP is an attitude of humility and loyalty to God and ...