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Embracing Your God-Given Purpose: A Message for Ladies of Godly Value

In a world that often emphasizes dating, courtship, marriage, sex, and bearing children as the pinnacle of a woman's existence, it's crucial for ladies of Godly value to remember that there is more to life than these temporal pursuits. While these aspects are undoubtedly important and beautiful in their own right, they are not the sole purpose of a woman's existence. As daughters of the Most High, each woman is uniquely crafted with a divine purpose and assignment bestowed upon her by God. Rather than solely focusing on societal expectations or cultural norms, it is essential for women to be intentional in discovering and practicing their God-given purpose. The Bible serves as a timeless guidebook for understanding our purpose as women of faith. Throughout its pages, we find countless examples of women who exemplified strength, courage, wisdom, and grace as they walked in alignment with God's will for their lives. One such example is found in Proverbs 31, often referred...


I want to remind you of your immeasurable worth in the eyes of God. Your value is not determined by societal standards or relationships status, but by the love and promises of our Heavenly Father. Let your self-esteem be rooted in the unchanging truth of God's Word, rather than fleeting notions of dating, marriage, or material possessions. Focus your heart and mind on Jesus, for He alone can satisfy the deepest longings of your soul. Seek fulfillment in His presence, His love, and His purpose for your life. Embrace your identity as a beloved daughter of the King, cherished and treasured beyond measure. Remember that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, deserving of honor and respect. Guard your heart and your purity, knowing that true intimacy is found in a relationship with Christ. Trust in His perfect timing for every aspect of your life, including romantic relationships. As you journey through life, may you walk in the confidence of your God-given worth and purpose. Let you...

Your Gender is Unique

Grace and peace be multiplied to you. As daughters of the Most High, you are fearfully and wonderfully made, each one uniquely designed for a divine purpose in Christ. Your gender is not a limitation but a beautiful expression of God's intentional creation. In a world that often seeks to redefine and diminish the significance of womanhood, I encourage you to stay rooted in the truth of your identity as daughters of God. Embrace the depth of your value, for you are chosen, set apart, and endowed with unique strengths to fulfill your God-given assignment. Remember that your purpose transcends societal expectations and norms. You are not confined by earthly standards but called to a higher purpose in Christ. Stay conscious of your original assignment — to reflect the love, grace, and strength of your Heavenly Father in all that you do. As you navigate life's journey, let the light of Christ shine through you. Your unique design is not a mistake; it is a masterpiece crafted by the ...

Stop sexualizing your worth.

Stop sexualizing your worth. There is more to your life than your body figures. You worth more than what's appealing to the social media or the men that are thirsty of lusting over you. As a Godly lady, you must understand that you were created for more and that's you a suitable helper. There is a specific solution God have wired you to solve in this generation and you must pay attention to it. Whose pain do you feel the most? Whose cry gets your attention the most? What are the errors that angers you the most? What kind of burden is the scriptures birthing in your mind? Pay attention to them and see how you can use what you have to provide solutions. Your kind of idea is a solution. Your thinking pattern is a solution. Your manner of approach to life situation is unique. You were not made for sex, dating and marriage alone. You were made as God's daughter, representing the interest of God. Doing this as a solution to the area of the burdens in your heart. This is the will ...


Every woman was created as a support system and suitable help to humanity in general. A lady is God's daughter created and equipped to be useful to her generation and to her husband. Marriage is just one of the aspect of a place a lady displays her value and asset. A lady was not just created for marriage, she is created for rendering support to her parents, siblings, her generation, her husband and her children... even the future generations. Aside the desire of being married, what else can you see about your future? What is the measure of your relevance in the life of the people in your past, present and future? Who is benefitting Godly help because of your existence? You were not created just for marriage, God have created you to be a support system to humanity first, before you become a support system in your marriage. As a lady, you are supported to know your own calling, have a specific direction in life, understand your vision, walking in your life assignment and generating ...


Being a lady is an opportunity of displaying the capacity of God as a suitable helper. Being a lady is journey from being a lady, to being a friend, to being a lover, to being a wife, and to being a mother. Each of these capacity must benefit the Body of Christ, your parents, society and your marriage. Without marriage, you can fulfill your Divine Purpose for existence. Marriage is just a tool or platform to have a team mate under the covenant of marriage to display your Divine Purpose. With or without marriage, you are a lady with Divine Purpose, on a Divine mission to generate a suitable the society according to your own capacity. Every lady is a female but the capacity of each lady differs from another. Stop comparing your self with your fellow ladies. Be content with your own capacity and keep improving your capacity to function better than your previous level of success. Ladies need to learn to start supporting ladies and supporting men too. Striving for a success that d...


The strength of a lady is in her ability to sustain whatsoever God have entrusted into her care. It takes grace to access some things but it is wisdom that helps you sustains issues of life. Opportunities, love and destiny Helpers crosses your path daily, but how have you been able to sustain them? Your godly attitude is more important than your strength of prayer. It is important to cultivate a healthy prayer life as a lady, but much more... It is important that you cultivate a Godly attitude. It takes a godly attitude to sustain any thing in life as a lady. Your attitude is more stronger than your words and prayers. Make it a duty to daily cultivate a healthy godly attitude along side your prayer life. This is the will of God for your life. Either you are provoked to anger or note.. be Intentional in reflecting the attitude of God. In all, let the fruit of the Spirit flourish in you daily. Stop waiting for dating or marriage to behave nice. Be kind and nice to people on a daily bases...

Know Your Limits

Wisdom is in you knowing your limits in peoples business. Maturity is in you knowing the limits of people in your business. Irrespective of how close you are to some one...if you want to help or assist some one...first of all seek their permission. Surprise package is good but be careful to understand who you are dealing with. Using my self as an example...I don't care if its millions or trillions you want to use as surprise package for will offend me..instead of impress me. I am a man with plans and am deliberate about my plan....I program my day, weeks and months through my goals.... So any surprise package will be interrupting my fixed plan. Don't think you know what some one needs...its more honourable to ask people....I want to help you, how do you want me to help you? Stop impose and enforcing assistance to people. Be wise to know things this person does not want your help. Its wise for you to wait for people to ask for help before you render help. We have indivi...

2021 Plan

Its good to have great plans and expectation for this year 2021....but what's your daily preparation for the kind of future you believe you are heading to? How have you being practically preparing for your future? How have you being preparing your self for the kind of husband you are trusting God to bring your way? How have you being preparing for the kind of business you are trusting God to help you establish in future? Jump out of your wishing state...and move to action. You need mental preparation, emotional preparation, spiritual preparation, financial preparation and physical preparation. May your story not be like the five foolish virgins...that failed because they didn't carry EXTRA OIL...with them. What's that extra effort, preparation, and commitment you are not offering your self...that can disadvantage you tomorrow? This is your day....readjust your self!!!! HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Set Boundaries

I know this friend of yours might be your childhood friend. I know you hold a lot of past experience and events together. She is your friend and let her remain that way. Stop discussing every thing and any thing you and your lover or husband discuss.  For the married ladies....avoid discussing your sexual life with your husband to any of your friends....or they might use it against him and tempt him.....smiling face is not smiling heart. Avoid setting your husband up for sexual temptation because you don't know how to shut your mouth up. What is your friends business with the way your husband loves to be hugged...his best sex position...and how many round he can go in sex. Be a covering to your husband and stop exposing him to battles that shouldn't even disturb him at all. Set boundaries... Let your friend be your friend....let your husband be your husband and let your lover be your lover. Its your responsibility to protect the privacy of the sexual or romantic life of your lo...

Stop Blaming

Stop waiting for some one to help. Stop blaming men that they are stingy and begin to invest in your self. Are you really giving your self the suitable help God ordained you to offer your self? Are you really doing for your self what only you should be doing for your self? Admit your fault, take the blame and start doing some thing with your life by investing in your self development. You are not just a lady but a ladder that connect people from ignorance to knowledge....from frustration to success. This is the will of God for your life. Being a female is a calling....embrace your call!!! HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you!!!

Unique Package

Always remember who you are to this generation. Live beyond the consciousness of dating and marriage. Let whosoever you will date or marry be in alignment with your purpose or dream or life assignment. You are not for pity.  There is a time to be single... Busy developing your self and investing in your capacity, attitude and manner of approach. There is also a time for relationship, sharing your dream and deliberately building a future. You are not just wired by God for relationship alone and you are not just an emotional being. You are a physical, social, intellectual and financial being. You are a unique package all by your self. This is the will of God for you. HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Mind Your Manners

Talking is cheap but communication is expensive.  It's a great asset for you to cultivate a healthy and respectful manners in conversation. Choose your words wisely.  There is a greater advantage for A LADY THAT KNOWS HOW TO TALK AND WHEN TO KEEP SILENT. You are God's daughter and let his glory be reveal in your manner of approach...and manners when talking to people. This is your day. HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Set A Plan

The greatest strength of any lady is your ability of cultivating a healthy plans for your self and sticking to it. Let your plans reflect your knowledge about the word of God. Let your plans reflect your passion. Let your plan reflect your direction in life. Let your plan reflect God's interest. As you study the Word of God, it is designed to inspire you and chart your course in life. Its meant to give you a direction and instruction of what to do and what you must not do. Don't just have a plan....stay committed to the plan till it manifest.  You need a physical plan, spiritual plan, social plan, intellectual plan and financial plan. Plans are meant to set aside time for discovering, time for learning, time for preparing and time for manifestation.  You are Gods daughter and its time to set a plan, stay committed to it and manifest it. Above all, remember your plans must be birthed from the point of your knowledge about God's Word. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.

Pursue Your Dream

The greatest strength of a lady is know what you need and identifying what you need. Don't just settle for what life offers you....reach out what your heart truly desire and don't take no for an answer. Pursue your dream.  Pursue your passion. Pursue the kind of relationship you desire of which places value on your future. Half bread is not better than noon when you can actually own or build the bakery. You are a fighter and there is nothing that is too good for you.  HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Be Useful

The strength and beauty of a lady is her ability to be useful to people in a Godly way. No body will give you their attention, time, love and attention if you are not useful to them. Use your attitude, your choice of words and your talent to be a blessing to some one. God has not only design destiny helpers for you...BUT HE HAS MADE YOU A DESTINY HELPER TO SOME ONE TOO... Stop waiting and start being a blessing to some one today. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you #Baba_Love #Hope_Expression_Family

Be Irresistible

There is a way to remain irresistible to your man. Your problem is that you have being trying to smile at him like Juliet use to smile at him. You are joking with him like joy use to make jokes with him. You try to do every thing every other ladies are doing for him......but he is not seeing what only you can do for him. Stop competing with his bestie, ex lovers and female friends. Don't think that if you dress like Abigail, he will love you more. The best you can be to him is to be your self. Hug him in your own special way. Dress in your own unique way. Smile in your own unique way. Text him in your own unique way. Give him that experience he won't find any other place...except you (am not talking about sex oh). Stop trying to be like that lady you feel is getting his attention more than you do and begin to be you. Be your self. Nothing puts a man with a vision off than seeing you competing and fighting for his attention. Talk like you. Respect him like you. Drop this mask an...

Marry this Man

MARRY A MAN WHO HAS SENSE. 1.. Marry a man that has sense enough to know that paying your bride price is not equal to buying you. 2..  Marry a man who has sense enough to know that marrying you is not doing you a favour. 3.. Marry a man that has sense enough to know that you pose to have cramps and mood swings during your monthly circle, and shouldn't use it against you. 4.. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that as a woman you also have a right to say "NO" to sex at times and if he must have his way he should at least try to make you happy and put you in the mood. 5.. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that after childbirth you are posed to have stretch marks, big stomach, sag boobs and not too good shape, and he shouldn't because of that compare you to a sweet 16, your sag boobs or stretch marks is a sign of motherhood. (Although you can work it out and be back to shape which is proper.) 6.. Marry a man who has sense enough to know that there are times ...

Ladies, Pray through...

Today...individually.. I want you to ask the Lord to help you in the area of discovering your purpose and assignment in life. Declare that your voice of impact will not be silenced Declare that you will not fail in whatsoever God has committed into your hand as a lady. Take charge!!! HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Godly Women

Godly Women are the conscience of the nation. Godly Women are the catalysts for change and reconciliation. Godly Women are the teacher of ethics/good characters. Godly Women are surviving factor of society. Godly Women are the partners in progress. Godly Women are the stables horses of the society. Godly Women are the citizens and community mobilisers. Godly Women are the emotional shockarbsover. Godly Women are the radiator of love, goodwill and justice. Godly Women are model of purity. Celebrate your gender. I celebrate all the Godly women.