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Your Dream Relationship

I am not here to teach you. I am here just to suggest an idea to you. You are free to discard it or embrace it!  I don't know it all. I don't have it all. I have not seen it all. I am not better than you. You have your uniqueness and I have mine. So on the ground of co-human, I present my suggestion I will focus on a subject tagged: *Your dream relationship* First thing first - your dream relationship.  I will start by this: RELATIONSHIP was created for you and apart from relationship, you worth a value.  Your dream relationship will never become real if you lack the accurate knowledge and understanding of your *identity* Who are you? This is the first question, you should be able to define and identify. My sister, I am an advocate for ladies and I believe that ladies were not just created for relationship and marriage and child bearing alone. As a matter of truth, this ought to be the last thing on the list when it co

Ladies! Don't Flunt It

What you wear has a direct impact on how people see you. Whether or not you like this conclusion, it’s science based. You can argue with the facts, but they’re still the facts.  Which leads me to my next question, what, then, is the purpose of wearing a bikini? That’s what I want my unborn daughter to consider one day when this question comes up (and in this culture, I’m sure it will). Is it because it looks stylish? There are lots of stylish suits with more cover. Is it to get her stomach nice and tan? Who’s going to be seeing that stomach? Is it to get attention from the opposite sex? That kind of attention has nothing to do with true affection. Is it because “I CAN”? Why not choose to assert your rights in ways that actually benefit you and society? Is it because “I have a nice body”? Yes, you do! And you should protect that awesome body from people who don’t value it. It’s important to challenge culture and the perspective we have regarding modesty

Our Parents, Our Classroom

My Sisters! OUR PARENTS, OUR CLASS ROOM. I suffered a lot before the Holy Spirit was helped me to understand this truth and since then, I had rest of mind. First, your parents are the best parents ever. It's either yes or yes. They might not be who you want them to be. But you are here today because your parents made a way for you. It's easy for your gender to pick faults with dad or mum's life but what we have not be able to notice is the wisdom in their mistakes. The mistakes of your parents are the greatest treasure and inheritance. If you loose the touch of it, you will end up being worse than when they have become today. You might agree with me or disagree but your parents tried their best and gave their best effort. You can sit and judge them for some things but what you don't understand is "the struggles of parenting." You expect a lot for your parents but what you don't know is that they are confused about some issues just like you. They


In the world of love and relationship, we always have the ups and down from time to time. There will be times of pain and time of refreshing. I want to use Eccl 3:1 as my case study here. I also want to dedicate this post to ladies. You are God’s daughter and you deserve the best in love and relationship. There is time for every thing in life and I want you to open your eyes and learn. You can’t just be living as thou you can do what we like just because you are pretty or because you are heart broken. You need to come to a place where you respect order, time, and season. This is the first principle in you becoming the lady God has created you to be. He is innocent! You might not agree with me but this man in front of you. This man that asked you out or the man you just accepted for a serious relationship is innocent. I need you to come to place where you let go all the anger, revenge, and bitterness in your heart. I know you gave your best to your ex. I admit that you were ho

Pray For Your Husband

Lord, help me to be a good wife. I fully realize that I don’t have what it takes to be one without Your help. Take my selfishness, impatience, and irritability and turn them into kindness, long-suffering, and the willingness to bear all things. Take my old emotional habits, mind-sets, automatic reactions, rude assumptions, and self-protective stance, and make me patient, kind, good, faithful, gentle, and self-controlled. Take the hardness of my heart and break down the walls with Your battering ram of revelation. Give me a new heart and work in me Your love, peace, and joy (Galatians 5:22-23). I am not able to rise above who I am at this moment. Only You can transform me. Show me where there is sin in my heart, especially with regard to my husband. I confess the times I’ve been unloving, critical, angry, resentful, disrespectful, or unforgiving toward him. Help me to put aside any hurt, anger, or disappointment I feel and forgive him the way You d


Do you want to use your strength to figure out a way for your self or you will choose to depend on God's Grace for your life? Whatsoever God's Grace has not given you, you don't need it. I want you to be comfortable with your present lacks and be humble in your present provision. Your value is not about what you HAVE but it's all about WHO you are. Never you forget that. Where you are now does not in any way define WHO you are. Where you are presently in life is just a passing phase. Those people that thinks they know you now because of what you lack and where are now are MAKING A BIG MISTAKE. The truth is this; they don't have a clue to who you are becoming daily in Christ. Those that want to mock you should continue. Those that insult you should continue. Those that despise you should continue. Lift your eyes from them. Look ahead and see the beauty of your future in Christ. You are of a high breed of God's Grace. You are not in their low class.

Created For WORSHIP

Worship is not just a song but a lifestyle. Worship is not about the sound or music. Worship is an attitude. Worship to God is in every thing we do, see, think, desire and expect. Worship to God is the way you treat people (even when you are angry). Worship to God is in what you do when you are excited. Worship to God is in how you listen to people in conversation. Worship to God is how you depend on God for making every single decision of your life. Worship to God is in your polite words to people. Worship to God is in how you manage your sexual urge. Worship to God is in the choice of the kind of website you vision online. Worship to God in the way you forgive, love, and have compassion on people. Worship to God is in the way you discipline, rebuke and correct people (as God's children). Worship to God is in how you breakup with some one you are dating with the consciousness that this person you are breaking up with is still precious to God. Worship to God is the ki