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WHY DID GOD CREATE FEMALE? According to the scriptures, the major reason ladies were created in the garden of Eden was for WORK. The Female were created as SUITABLE HELPERS for a work that was specific in nature. The work the female was created as SUITABLE HELPER is the work of DRESSING AND KEEPING....meaning..IMPROVING AND PROTECTING.  The female is suppose to improve the healthy state of humanity and her environment... Physically, socially, spiritually, emotionally, financially, intellectually and in the area of talent.  THE FEMALE WERE CREATED TO MAKE LIFE EASIER FOR HUMANITY. They were created to compliment the effort of man...and not to compete with man. Irrespective of the abuse the female have suffered...they must stay true to their original design. Despite of the abuse around....don't forget the reason why you were created as a female.... Use your pain.. Regrets... and all you've got to make life easier for humanity. You are suitable helper.....

What Are You Thinking & Expecting?

Its unhealthy for you to think that every guy that declare he loves you is seeking for sex. Most times, your greatest problem as a lady are the things you have choose to believe and are expecting from me. You will always get what you believe and expect from men. If all you see and expect they will need from you is sex....that's what you will keep attracting. If you believe and expect healthy things from men, you will experience it too. Stop blaming men and what they are demanding from you...and deal with your own negative believe and expectation from men.  What you show to men is what will determine what men will ask from you. Your pictures and post will always be suggesting some thing to men...what are your pictures suggesting? Nothing just happens...take care of your self and be deliberate of becoming the best. HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you

Focus On His Work

It is funny how some ladies have no clue about the reason why God created them into existence. YOU WERE CREATED AS A LADY TO HELP AND SUPPORT THE WORK MAN IS DOING.  If you don't give attention to the work of a man with a vision and deliberately make effort to make his work easier for will become hard to get his attention.  DON'T DATE A MAN IF YOU DON'T HAVE PASSION AND INTEREST FOR HIS KIND OF WORK. The best way to get the full attention of a man with a vision make effort to contribute to his work and do all you can to make his work easier. If you are not sensitive to his work....he won't be sensitive to you. Be deliberate to know the pains, struggles and challenges he is going through in the area of his work....ask him how you can be of help and look within yourself and do your best to relief him of his stress and tension. A man's attention is the most expensive. Stop asking for it....earn it. If you are not useful to his work won...

Ladies, don't Settle for less

You are not just designed for dating alone... You are a physical being...please plan and give attention to details. You are a spiritual being...please build your prayer alter and study the word. You are an emotional being...nurture your attitude and thinking pattern with truth. You are an intellectual being....value your own ideas, instinct and capacity... Be more creative and result or solution oriented. You are a social being....learn more about courtesy and learn to be polite to people. You are a complete package of humanity... Stop giving all your attention to one side of humanity; dating!!! Rise and be this lady God has created you to be. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.

Ladies, this is Beauty.

I have a question for you.....WHAT ARE YOU READY TO DO FOR THE BENEFIT OF THIS GENERATION? Stop being a spectator and rise to contributing to the solution this generation seeks. Be a lady of value!!! Beauty is not being rude. Beauty is not being arrogant. Beauty is not being abusive. Beauty is not in impressing people that do not value you. Beauty is not proving point to any one just to show you are not cheap. Beauty is polite. Beauty is respectful. Beauty accepts correction. Beauty is truthful. Beauty apologize.  Beauty is peaceful. Beauty treats people with care, respect and honesty even if one is angry, misunderstood or insulted. Beauty is thinking and acting just AS Jesus. What are you using your own beauty to do? HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Ladies, Please Forgive

You can't be keeping malice and nurture revenge in your heart and expect to grow in Christ. Forgive your self Forgive your ex lover Forgive anyone that has hurt you. Do your self a favour today to forgive. FORGIVENESS IS THE ONLY THING THAT GIVES YOU THE FREEDOM INTO ALL GOD HAS ORDAINED FOR YOUR LIFE. This is your day of readjustment.  HOPE EXPRESSION believes in you.

Stop the Gossip

Don't hate some one simply because of what some one told you about them. If they can gossip some one to you, they will gossip you to other people. If any lady can be comfortable gossiping before you, there is some thing wrong with you. Cultivate female friends that will always share scriptures and what God told me recently. Some one that will say....let's meet and pray for three hours. Don't let any body Rob you of your anointing by engaging you in talks that tear other persons integrity. People might have issues with some one...and that person might be a destiny helper to you. If you follow them to hate this person because of what they told you about this will indirectly loose your destiny helper. Be a lady that people will always be scared to gossip around or bring stories of peoples weakness to come and gist you. You have weaknesses, this same person gossiping have weaknesses....why exposing other peoples weakness like you both are saints???&#1293...

Take Care of your Dream

Take care of your dream. Take care of your attitude. Take care of your thoughts. Take care of your thinking pattern. For in future....they will take care of you. As a lady, the things that will sustain you in life will be the things you deliberately put into your life today....through self development. You are suitable helper...please, help your self. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Prince_Victor_ Matthew

Be More Deliberate

Your Vision... You never discover am. Your character... You are so unfriendly. Your purpose... You are confused. Your capacity... Undeveloped. Your prayer for a life-partner.... 100% With all these, you play hard to get, you don't chat, return miss calls or even greet people. Sister mi, your village people no dey this matter oh. Your vision, purpose and am via your personal relationship with God. Be friendly, greet people, chat, return miss calls and stop displaying your insecurity by playing hard to get. Start praying for direction to know how God wants you to be useful to the man he will give to you as a life-partner.... THEN YOUR MIRACLE WILL HAPPEN. I hope you have learnt from this post?

Be Free

Refuse to allow any body force you to hate them. What people do some times to you have nothing to do with you.....its just the display of their own faults and insecurity. You can never insult any one if you don't feel insulted. You can never look down on any one until you feel despised. What you experience from people is what dwells in them. What you give to others is what dwells in you. You are a lady of Godly Value. Keep growing....keep rising HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you

Ladies.....Stand up

I just have one question for you....individual. Aside being married, what else to you see when you look into the future? Think and re-just your priority. Irrespective of the challenges the confronts you, always remember what God told you. And you are here and you don't have a single statement or word from the Lord as a need to study your bible till it becomes a personal instruction to you. If you need peace, be at peace with people. If you need a friend, be friendly. If you need intimacy with some one, communicate with this person often. If you need truth, be straightforward with people. You were created to be a a lady with integrity and Godly values. Don't settle for less. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.

Take Charge

Every body can not love and you must not accept every love people throw at you. SOME KIND OF LOVE ARE POISON TO WHAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO DO. Always put the consciousness of your assignment in this generation in front of you. Respect can be a distraction. Relationship can be a distraction. Money can be a distraction. Any thing that is not sponsoring the growth and improvement of your dream, calling or capacity is a distraction. Stay focus and become the lady God has created you to be. Take charge!! HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Relationship #BabaLove

Talk To Jesus

Don't just learn how to pray effectively alone....learn the art of having a conversation or discussion with the Lord. Be free to ask God questions concerning your fears, worries and doubts. Expect the Lord to speak back to you. Why live in confusion when your Daddy is the creator of the whole world? You are your father's daughter. Walk and think in this consciousness. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.

Be Useful

The strength and beauty of a lady is her ability to be useful to people in a Godly way. No body will give you their attention, time, love and attention if you are not useful to them. Use your attitude, your choice of words and your talent to be a blessing to some one. God has not only design destiny helpers for you...BUT HE HAS MADE YOU A DESTINY HELPER TO SOME ONE TOO... Stop waiting and start being a blessing to some one today. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you #Baba_Love #Hope_Expression_Family


The greatest strength of a lady is the ability to have a mind and decision of your own. Some ladies are just follow, follow...whatsoever their friend wants is what they want too. They don't have a say and desire of their own. They are completely walking in the shadows of their friends. This should not be heard about you. You are different and stop living your life for your friends. Aside what your friends want....WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR OWN LIFE? ARISE, and become the lady God has created you to become. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.

You Are On Assignment

Irrespective of the pressure to make it and become successful.... Don't forget that you are a lady born with a specific assignment. Don't allow the pressure of life and expectations of family, society and friends to make you loose the sight of your divine assignment. You are not just a are a deliberate being God fashion deliberately. You are not a mistake. You are not inferior and irrespective of your past can still become all God has designed for your life. Walk tall, with your head up and eyes you daily walk in the consciousness that you are not just here on earth to make money, marry, and give birth alone. There is an eternal assignment attached to your birth. Your gender is an opportunity. Use it well. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Baba_Love #Prince_Victor_Matthew


The main purpose why God created woman was to be a SUITABLE a work and responsibility. This is the original blueprint for the female gender or womanhood. Some ladies are carried away with being a SUITABLE to their future husband......while some think being a SUITABLE HELPER to any man is slavery... They feel...gender equality. Here is some thing some ladies don't know. YOU CAN ONLY BE USEFUL TO OTHER PEOPLE...ACCORDING TO THE QUALITY OF YOUR OWN USEFULNESS TO YOUR OWN SELF. You are first the suitable HELPER to your own life...dreams, talent, attitude, mentality, intellect...etc...before you even think of becoming a SUITABLE HELPER to your family, friends and of course, your life partner. The respect you are so in a hurry to give your life partner...give it to your self first. The time, attention, commitment, listening ears, sacrifices, diligence, love, and are so much in a hurry to give to other people and life partner...learn to feed your self with ...

Be Solution Orentied

The success of other people are meant to inspire you to be better than the way you have been. Its only a display of confusion for you to feel inferior, because of the success of other people. The success of a fellow lady is a prove that nothing, is limiting you too. Shine your shine....its your world, your life and your capacity. Support other ladies doing great so doing...God will raise helpers for you too. All you have known and capable of doing as a lady is useless....if you don't use them to generate success and solution for your self, and the people around you. Greatness is not a male. Success is not a male. They are for human (male & female). A healthy relationship begins with a healthy life. From Ruth to the wife of King David...Abigail.... their husband met them...on duty. They were busy doing what God committed into their hands. If you can't manage your vision and life will any man believe you can manage his own home, vision and unborn...

Prayer Altar

As a lady either single or dating or courting....if your prayer life is low at this stage....tell me, what kind of a woman will you become in Future? What kind of a wife will you become in Future? Which kind of a mother will you become in Future. I am who I am today because of a praying mother that stood by me while growing up. Can your unborn children speak of this same kind of testimony about you? You are a lady that have respect for your future yet you don't do midnight prayers, you can't remember when last you fast and pray for your calling, vision, direction in life, and MARITAL destiny. Are you not yet tried of men hurting you? Don't blame the men. They are not the challenge.... Blame your self for taking decisions about your friends or Relationship outside your prayer altar. If you will escape the deception in this generation as a lady, you must be ready to pray your self through and pray your self out. Be a praying lady. Pray ahead concerning all your fears, ...

Help Your Self

You are a lady and the only purpose for God creating the female gender according to the book of Genesis 2, was for SUITABLE HELP. You are a lady and your primary reason to be on earth is to be a suitable help, firstly to your self....then your family, future husband and to your generation. You all will get married as the months and years goes by but don't be decieved. You need to be a suitable help to YOURSELF also. How much have you helped your self? How much have you appreciated yourself? How much have you respected yourself and create time for your self?.. Some of you don't have time for all these when it comes to you....but you have all these time for other people. Some of you even insult your self simply because you want to respect some one else. Some of you don't even see it fit to create time for your self or even self development. *You are designed to be a suitable help but whatever dimension you were designed to help your family, future spouse or this genera...