When you notice this act, bring it up and talk about it. Deal with the issue and make him to understand how it hurts you. If he can't trust you, don't convince him or prove any thing to him. If he cannot respect your feelings and emotions, don't beg for it - LET HIM GO. Define it, take your stand and let him go IF NECESSARY. Respect him but make him to understand that you won't accept the abuse of him testing and toiling with your feelings. This is what you must consider before proposal shows up. Don't be carried away by your emotions. Don't let his looks or any thing entice you. It's not in your power to choose who to say yes or no or wait - your divine assignment, purpose, & calling ought to dicated for you. This is what you must consider before proposal shows up. You are a helpmate, your vision and calling is meant to compliment his own vision. His vision is meant to be the platform for the expression of your own vision in Christ. Your...