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The greatest strength of a lady is the ability to have a mind and decision of your own. Some ladies are just follow, follow...whatsoever their friend wants is what they want too. They don't have a say and desire of their own. They are completely walking in the shadows of their friends. This should not be heard about you. You are different and stop living your life for your friends. Aside what your friends want....WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR OWN LIFE? ARISE, and become the lady God has created you to become. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you.

You Are On Assignment

Irrespective of the pressure to make it and become successful.... Don't forget that you are a lady born with a specific assignment. Don't allow the pressure of life and expectations of family, society and friends to make you loose the sight of your divine assignment. You are not just a are a deliberate being God fashion deliberately. You are not a mistake. You are not inferior and irrespective of your past can still become all God has designed for your life. Walk tall, with your head up and eyes you daily walk in the consciousness that you are not just here on earth to make money, marry, and give birth alone. There is an eternal assignment attached to your birth. Your gender is an opportunity. Use it well. HOPE EXPRESSION celebrates you. #Baba_Love #Prince_Victor_Matthew


The main purpose why God created woman was to be a SUITABLE a work and responsibility. This is the original blueprint for the female gender or womanhood. Some ladies are carried away with being a SUITABLE to their future husband......while some think being a SUITABLE HELPER to any man is slavery... They feel...gender equality. Here is some thing some ladies don't know. YOU CAN ONLY BE USEFUL TO OTHER PEOPLE...ACCORDING TO THE QUALITY OF YOUR OWN USEFULNESS TO YOUR OWN SELF. You are first the suitable HELPER to your own life...dreams, talent, attitude, mentality, intellect...etc...before you even think of becoming a SUITABLE HELPER to your family, friends and of course, your life partner. The respect you are so in a hurry to give your life partner...give it to your self first. The time, attention, commitment, listening ears, sacrifices, diligence, love, and are so much in a hurry to give to other people and life partner...learn to feed your self with ...

Be Solution Orentied

The success of other people are meant to inspire you to be better than the way you have been. Its only a display of confusion for you to feel inferior, because of the success of other people. The success of a fellow lady is a prove that nothing, is limiting you too. Shine your shine....its your world, your life and your capacity. Support other ladies doing great so doing...God will raise helpers for you too. All you have known and capable of doing as a lady is useless....if you don't use them to generate success and solution for your self, and the people around you. Greatness is not a male. Success is not a male. They are for human (male & female). A healthy relationship begins with a healthy life. From Ruth to the wife of King David...Abigail.... their husband met them...on duty. They were busy doing what God committed into their hands. If you can't manage your vision and life will any man believe you can manage his own home, vision and unborn...

Prayer Altar

As a lady either single or dating or courting....if your prayer life is low at this stage....tell me, what kind of a woman will you become in Future? What kind of a wife will you become in Future? Which kind of a mother will you become in Future. I am who I am today because of a praying mother that stood by me while growing up. Can your unborn children speak of this same kind of testimony about you? You are a lady that have respect for your future yet you don't do midnight prayers, you can't remember when last you fast and pray for your calling, vision, direction in life, and MARITAL destiny. Are you not yet tried of men hurting you? Don't blame the men. They are not the challenge.... Blame your self for taking decisions about your friends or Relationship outside your prayer altar. If you will escape the deception in this generation as a lady, you must be ready to pray your self through and pray your self out. Be a praying lady. Pray ahead concerning all your fears, ...

Help Your Self

You are a lady and the only purpose for God creating the female gender according to the book of Genesis 2, was for SUITABLE HELP. You are a lady and your primary reason to be on earth is to be a suitable help, firstly to your self....then your family, future husband and to your generation. You all will get married as the months and years goes by but don't be decieved. You need to be a suitable help to YOURSELF also. How much have you helped your self? How much have you appreciated yourself? How much have you respected yourself and create time for your self?.. Some of you don't have time for all these when it comes to you....but you have all these time for other people. Some of you even insult your self simply because you want to respect some one else. Some of you don't even see it fit to create time for your self or even self development. *You are designed to be a suitable help but whatever dimension you were designed to help your family, future spouse or this genera...

My Sister, You Need A Direction

I want you to understand that as Gods daughter, the first thing you need in a time as this is DIRECTION. You can't just live your life without a specific direction. You cant be every where, a friend to every body, and doing every thing that comes your life. God didn't create you by chance so you don't have the right to live your life by chance. God deliberately created you for his own glory...You must be deliberate about your direction in life. Do you have a clue of the direction your life is heading as a lady? Progress is not enough; are you progressing in the direction God as ordain for your life? Success is not a prove you are in the right be successful moving in the wrong direction. Its time to involve God in every of your decision....the strength of your direction in life is in your decision. If your decision is wrong, your direction in life will be wrong. It's time to pause, think and ask the Holy Spirit, AM I IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION? Its no...

Ladies, You Are A Weapon

You are Gods daughter and you were created for the best. Your life is not just about dating and relationship alone... You are a complete human. Invest into your intellectual capacity. Invest in your Character, talent and ideas or manner of approach. You are not just a lady, you are a weapon of impact. You are a solution to this generation. You are an answer to this generation. You were born for an assignment that will please the Lord.... You are not just born for relationship or marriage. Cease every opportunity to cooperate with God through the studying of Gods word to know his plans for your life. You are better than this... Embrace the future. Prepare for the future. #HopeExpression Prince Victor Matthew +2348139635230

How to become a WIFE

I have come to discover through the teachings from the Holy Spirit that the space between being a lady and becoming a wife is ENCOUNTER WITH THE LORD.  The mindset of a wife, the attitude of a wife, the planning of a wife, the concept and perception of a wife and manner of approach of a wife is totally different from a lady.  A wife mentality is future considerate in every decision but a ladies mindset is now and now. She wants it now!.  A lady wants to survive but a wife takes her time to invest in her self. She is conscious of her journey in life than the present comfort.  Becoming a wife is not by wedding grown or engagement ring on your finger. It's a total experience of life and mindset. It's not even possible to be translated from being a lady into becoming a wife without a DIVINE ENCOUNTER with the Holy Spirit.   The bible stated it that, he that finds a WIFE finds a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord.  It's not he who...

Good And Bad Attitude

Don't complain about any you are not effectively praying about!   The energy it takes to hate and complain or judge some one for his faults, use it to pray for that person.  Let's build each other and not tear each other down.  It's okay to be angry but don't use your anger to hurt what you once loved or loving presently.  If every body complained about you without encouraging you and supporting you in prayers just like you are doing to other people now, are you sure you would have survived till this day?  Most people that have enjoyed helps from destiny helpers are the first to refuse destiny helpers to another person.  Don't let the devil succeed by making you think the other gender is your enemy.  Don't let the negative character of people turn your good heart and character into bitterness and revenge.   Do not be overcome with evil but overcome evil with God.  Mind you, you are not doing any one a fav...

Knowledge & Humility

I want you to understand that both knowledge and ignorance can frustrate you in this journey of life.  I have observed and notice that what is currently delay people in your gender from entering a healthy relationship is KNOWLEDGE. Some people are limited by ignorance but another wickedness I have seen under the sun is that knowledge is limiting people.  The knowledge you have about relationship and life is to help you and also help other people. On no account must your knowledge become a stumbling block to those around you.  Stop using your knowledge as a weapon to fight people. The fact  that others don't know what you know does not mean they are inferior to you. Don't allow the knowledge God gave you the privilege to know to create pride in your heart.   Shut up for once. Listen to people even if you think you are smarter than them. I also want you to know that all you know now is just a scratch to what is expected of the whole body of Chris...

Rest In His Grace

I just discovered of recent that the obstacle of youths is Grace. Looking around me I can see how youths and even teenagers are so hungry for attention, affection, respect and approval at all cost. That's not the problem. We are wired to seek  for these things but some people don't stay with the Grace God has given them. No body can value you above the value the Grace God has given you will offer to you. Some times, people put laws into their own hands. They put up attitudes, create events and situation to set up  and create value and respect for their selves. But unknowingly to them, their pursuit to create respect and value for their own self is what is tearing the value and respect God's Grace is preserving for them. Don't make any body like you. Don't prove to any body you are valuable and unique. Don't use your own fears and doubt to judge people. The greatest challenge of people is that, they don't feel respected because they are not co...

Ministry & Marriage

I want you to know the female gender is unique and blessed because of the diversity within your nature.  Ministry and Marriage is the glory of any lady.  Your creativity is a ministry. Your character is a ministry. Your mindset or thinking pattern is a ministry. Your intellectual is a ministry. Your anger management is a ministry. The way you treat and talk to people is a ministry. The way you make decision is a ministry. The way you forgive is a ministry. The way you show compassion to people is a ministry. Every activity in you and around you is a ministry.  You possess much wisdom and uniqueness because of your kind of assignment as a female gender.  The success in your ministry is the prove you are ready for marriage.  Don't just come ready for marriage with your beauty and body alone. COME WITH YOUR CAPACITY. Be prepared, keep preparing and come prepared!  accepting a proposal from a man is a ministry. Relationship is a ministr...

You Are Royal

You are a lady but not lazy. You are a woman but not weak Pursue all the Lord has kept in your hands and heart Live above your fears, worries and doubt Turn your pain to passion. you may loose all but don't loose your peace of mind Let this mind be in you just as it is in Christ Jesus.  Be encouraged

Be Friendly But Dont Be Cheap!

Beloved of God!  I have always be writing that it's necessary for you to be friendly but I also want to set a balance to it.  Being a Godly lady comes with a lot of expectations and people observing you to see if you will live according  to what you believe  .       *Be friendly but don't be cheap!*  My sisters, my heart bleeds when I see lady become so cheap in her pursuit of being friendly.  It's okay for you to be friendly, pick your calls or call back when you see miss calls. It's okay to reply whatsup message etc. But please, stop picking the calls of people who are not saying any thing meaningful. Stop picking the calls of people who have no value to add to your calling, creativity or spiritual growth.  Be friendly but avoid people that kill your time and people with empty and useless conversations. Avoid people with empty jokes, and gossip.  I have always taught you not to play hard to get...

Be Friendly

My Sisters,  Wisdom is the strength of beauty but understanding is the life of beauty.  Beauty or intelligence has nothing to do with you being unfriendly. A 34 years old lady share her story with me and what unfriendly attitude has caused her.  When you are not friendly in nature, you push people away from your self and when you need a serious relationship, and you become friendly ; it will paint you desperate because on a normal Day - no guy knows you as a friendly lady.  Being friendly in nature is the greatest gift you can ever give your self as a lady. Be friendly for the sake of being friendly even if the guy will not date you. Some men are just destined to be friends with you; adding value to your life. A man is just meant to be your friend first, then grow into intimacy with you from that stage of friendship. A song writer wrote, HOW CAN WE BE LOVERS WHEN WE CANT BE FRIEND?  This drama of knowing a guy for the very first tim...

Accept By Foresight

Accept at Foresight Habakkuk 2:1 I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.   As a lady, the first step to accept at foresight is in you standing. A lot of ladies are sleeping in ignorance, procrastination, and excuses; this is not the will of God. Some ladies that are standing are standing in pride, greed, lust, and ignorance; this not the will of God. Teenagers and youths are confused of their future because no mother modelled the attitude of standing for them. As a lady standing is you knowing who God has created you to be. Standing is self discovering through the Word of God. Standing is being responsible and accountable to God in every aspect of you life. My sisters, God created you a female so you can stand; stand for your self, standing for your siblings and your generation. To stand is you studying and meditating on the scriptures. If you must accept at ...

Core values

Ladies of Godly Value I want to start by asking you this question; WHAT ARE YOUR CORE VALUES?  I was in the midst of 15 ladies and all these ladies are graduates of university. None of them even know what a "core value" mean. I was shocked and at first I thought it was a joke but sadly it's not. Marriage is God's plan for you but allow the consciousness of who to marry to blind you from the necessity of life is dangerous. What are your core values? Have you define your core values?  Who is influencing your core values? Is God pleased with your core values? Have you written your core values?         What is core value? Core values are the fundamental beliefs of a person or organization. These guiding principles dictate behavior and can help people understand the difference between right and wrong. Core values also help companies to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals by creatin...

You Are A Suitable Helper

Beloved!  I have being saying and the scriptures agrees with me that every ladies is a suitable helper - to her generation and to her future spouses (for singles) In this same truth I have discovered that the devil is take advantage of this truth to misled God's daughter. Becoming a suitable help or developing the capacity of a suitable help is not you abandoning your life and what God has called you to do. No! What this really implies is you embracing it more!  Becoming a suitable helper is not a call to deny your self and live your life for a man or for your generation. Becoming a suitable helper is you accepting your self, and giving your self the suitable help you need to become all God has created you to become. You can never become a suitable helper to any one if you have not yet learnt the art of you offering your self the suitable help you need to offer your life.  You will never be able to support and bear the weight of any man's visio...

Your Dream Relationship

I am not here to teach you. I am here just to suggest an idea to you. You are free to discard it or embrace it!  I don't know it all. I don't have it all. I have not seen it all. I am not better than you. You have your uniqueness and I have mine. So on the ground of co-human, I present my suggestion I will focus on a subject tagged: *Your dream relationship* First thing first - your dream relationship.  I will start by this: RELATIONSHIP was created for you and apart from relationship, you worth a value.  Your dream relationship will never become real if you lack the accurate knowledge and understanding of your *identity* Who are you? This is the first question, you should be able to define and identify. My sister, I am an advocate for ladies and I believe that ladies were not just created for relationship and marriage and child bearing alone. As a matter of truth, this ought to be the last thing on the list when...